(set: $SamHeShe to 'he')(set: $SamHisHers to 'his')(set: $SamHimHer to 'him')(set: $SamHisHer to 'his')(set: $SamHeSheCaps to 'He')(set: $SamHisHersCaps to 'His')(set: $SamHimHerCaps to 'Him')(set: $SamHisHerCaps to 'His')
Yesterday **Sam** changed $SamHisHer relationship status with **Jordan** to ** we broke up**!
Please complete your profile:
Your friend Jordan identifies as a:
[[boy -> JordanBoy]]
[[girl -> JordanGirl]]
[[gender neutral -> JordanNeutral]]
(set: $SamHeShe to 'she')(set: $SamHisHer to 'her')(set: $SamHisHers to 'hers')(set: $SamHimHer to 'her')(set: $SamHeSheCaps to 'She')(set: $SamHisHerCaps to 'Her')(set: $SamHisHersCaps to 'Hers')(set: $SamHimHerCaps to 'Her')
Yesterday **Sam** changed $SamHisHer relationship status with **Jordan** to ** we broke up**!
Please complete your profile:
Your friend Jordan identifies as a:
[[boy -> JordanBoy]]
[[girl -> JordanGirl]]
[[gender neutral -> JordanNeutral]]
(set: $SamHeShe to 'they')(set: $SamHisHers to 'theirs')(set: $SamHimHer to 'them')(set: $SamHisHer to 'their')(set: $SamHeSheCaps to 'They')(set: $SamHisHersCaps to 'Theirs')(set: $SamHimHerCaps to 'Them')(set: $SamHisHerCaps to 'Their')
Yesterday **Sam** changed $SamHisHer relationship status with **Jordan** to ** we broke up**!
OMG. Did Jordan and Sam break up yesterday?!
(set: $JordanHeShe to 'he')(set:$JordanHimHer to 'him')(set:$JordanHisHer to 'his')(set:$JordanHisHers to 'his')(set: $JordanHeSheCaps to 'He')(set:$JordanHimHerCaps to 'Him')(set:$JordanHisHerCaps to 'His')(set:$JordanHisHers to 'His')
You have an incoming chat request from Becky!
[[Accept chat->accept chat]]
OMG. Did Jordan and Sam break up yesterday?!
(set: $JordanHeShe to 'she')(set:$JordanHisHers to 'hers')(set:$JordanHisHer to 'her')(set:$JordanHimHer to 'her')(set: $JordanHeSheCaps to 'She')(set:$JordanHisHersCaps to 'Hers')(set:$JordanHimHerCaps to 'Her')(set:$JordanHisHerCaps to 'Her')
You have an incoming chat request from Becky!
[[Accept chat->accept chat]]
OMG. Did Jordan and Sam break up yesterday?!
(set: $JordanHeShe to 'they')(set:$JordanHimHer to 'them')(set:$JordanHisHers to 'theirs')(set:$JordanHisHer to 'their')(set: $JordanHeSheCaps to 'They')(set:$JordanHimHerCaps to 'Them')(set:$JordanHisHersCaps to 'Theirs')(set:$JordanHisHerCaps to 'Their')
You have an incoming chat request from Becky!
[[Accept chat->accept chat]]
Uhhh yeah?
How is Jordan? What about Sam? I want ALL the details, plz. =D
I really dunno much.
Come on, you've got a FRONT ROW seat to the biggest breakup in school. It's not like you're telling a stranger. I'm your best friend.
What are you going to tell Becky? (Click on a response below)
You: [[I should probably not say anything else.]]
You: [[Wait Sam left $SamHisHer phone unlocked.... ->I do know this one thing...]]
(if: $SamHeShe is 'she' and $JordanHeShe is 'he')[(set:$codeWord to 'bird')]
(else-if: $SamHeShe is 'he' and $JordanHeShe is 'he')[(set:$codeWord to 'grass')]
(else-if: $SamHeShe is 'they' and $JordanHeShe is 'he')[(set:$codeWord to 'plum')]
(else-if: $SamHeShe is 'she' and $JordanHeShe is 'she')[(set:$codeWord to 'sky')]
(else-if: $SamHeShe is 'he' and $JordanHeShe is 'she')[(set:$codeWord to 'park')]
(else-if: $SamHeShe is 'they' and $JordanHeShe is 'she')[(set:$codeWord to 'cat')]
(else-if: $SamHeShe is 'she' and $JordanHeShe is 'they')[(set:$codeWord to 'leaf')]
(else-if: $SamHeShe is 'he' and $JordanHeShe is 'they')[(set:$codeWord to 'song')]
(else-if: $SamHeShe is 'they' and $JordanHeShe is 'they')[(set:$codeWord to 'rain')]
I should probably not say anything else.
Sam's mom is driving us to school.
That's right, you had a sleepover last night. That means you probably heard the ENTIRE breakup! I. Am. So. Jealous.
I really didn't hear anything I can share.
I still can't believe they broke up...you just know someone is going to have their eye on Jordan. It's only a matter of time.
You: [[Look, you'll have to ask Sam if you want details.->But I can't say anything more]]
You: (link: "Why, do you know if Jordan is already talking to someone?")
[(set: $beckySlap to "")(goto: "Yeah, do you know if jordan is already talking to someone?")]
Okay wait, I do know one thing.
I'm not surprised Jordan broke up with Sam. I mean, Sam is sort of... well... awkward.
No that's the thing! Sam was the one who dumped Jordan!
IKR? Jordan is crushed. Just completely destroyed.
Why tho? Jordan will be fine, $JordanHeShe could totally get another date in time for the dance.
You: [[I should probably not say anything else.]]
Look, you'll have to ask Sam if you want details.
But everyone is talking about it. How is Sam anyway?
You: (link: "Sam is pretty broken up about it.")[(set: $privacyScore to it +1)(goto: "Sleepover status")]
You: (link: "You'd have to ask Sam.")[(set: $privacyScore to it +5)(goto: "Sleepover status")]
You: (link: "Just awful. I thought having a sleepover and watching videos and goofing off online would do the trick. But no, I guess nothing is really working.")[(set: $privacyScore to it +0)(goto: "Sleepover status")]
Becky: Can you imagine if your parents saw a photo like that?
(link: "Bad Choice")[(set: $privacyScore to it +0)(goto: "ride")]
(link: "SLightly ok choice")[(set: $privacyScore to it +1)(goto: "ride")]
(link: "Good Choice")[(set: $privacyScore to it +1)(goto: "ride")]
Uh oh, hold that thought. I think I hear Sam's mom yelling.
Omg about what?
//Just then, you hear voices YELLING at each other from the other room.//
You: (link: "Uh, she's yelling about a photo... OMG somebody sent around a photo of Sam! Oh wow, this is getting serious. ")[(set: $privacyScore to it +0)(goto: "photoWasSent")]
You: (link: "Something about a photo?")[(set: $privacyScore to it +1)(goto: "photoWasSent")]
You: (link: "You know, just parents flipping out about stuff. It's none of my business, or yours either, Becky")[(set: $privacyScore to it +5)(goto: "photoWasSent")]
OMG Did you get the email with the photo?! It just came in! Sam must be humiliated. There's no way I can unsee this... LOL
You: (link: "Wait, I'm opening my email to look now.")[(set: $privacyScore to it +0)(goto: "respondToPhotoEmail")]
You: (link: "Uh oh. That's not funny. I'm just going to delete it without looking. I want to respect Sam's privacy.")[(set: $privacyScore to it +5)(goto: "respondToPhotoEmail")]
You: (link: "LOL it's an embarrassing photo isn't it? I'm not gonna look but describe it to me.")[(set: $privacyScore to it +1)(goto: "respondToPhotoEmail")]
OMG the photo went out to everybody thru the school emails.
You: (link: "I dunno, we should really not talk about the photo. Maybe we should send a message to everybody and ask them not to open the email.")[(set: $privacyScore to it +5)(goto: "ride")]
You: (link: "LOL let's forward it to more people, everyone needs to see this. This is BRUTAL!")[(set: $privacyScore to it +0)(goto: "ride")]
You: (link: "Well it's too late now, nothing can be done to help. Poor Sam. =(")[(set: $privacyScore to it +1)(goto: "ride")]
You: (link: "Sam is going to get so much attention from this. UGH!!! Sam is such an attention hog, always grabbing the spotlight. Can you forward it?")[(set: $privacyScore to it +0)(goto: "ride")]
(set: $is to 'is')(set: $does to 'does')(if: $SamHeShe is 'they')[(set: $is to 'are')(set: $does to 'do')]
You hang out with Sam for a bit, but $SamHeShe $is really quiet. Is it because $SamHeShe $is thinking about the photo, the breakup,
[[or $does $SamHeShe know Becky was trying to gossip with you?->GoToSchool]]
<!--🐤Make clue room so that you run back inside to get sams paper-->
(if: $beckySlap is " 1")[(set: $codeWord to it + $beckySlap)]
Great work detective! You are done with this set of digital clues.
Your codeword is: $codeWord (write this down to use in part 2!)
Take a moment to jot down what you know about the characters so you can discover who sent the photo. Who said things that respected privacy? (and who didn't?)
You can now take on the Bonus Adventure until the time is up, or go back through the story again.
[[Go to start->Log into Secretz]]
(link: "Bonus Adventure!")[(goto-url: 'https://carolinehardin.github.io/DigitalPrivacyDetectives/part1-clueroom_intro.html')]
Why, do you know if Jordan is already talking to someone?
I'm not sure, just because I'm Jordan's #1 best friend doesn't mean I know everything. Besides, Sam doesn't deserve Jordan anyway.
You: (link: "Hey don't talk about Sam like that.")
[(set: $beckySlap to " 1")(set: $privacyScore to it +1)(goto: "Sleepover status")]
You: (link: "OMG do you want to know the real reason they broke up?")
[(set: $privacyScore to it +0)(goto: "Sleepover status")]